Tuesday, January 6, 2015

UnTextbook Reading Plan

Week 1: I would like to start out reading Bible Women because I am interested in seeing how accurate the stories are with the Christian Bible. The women of the Bible can teach us about trust, grace, patience and mistakes.

Week 2: To start off the second week, I want to read The Life of Buddah beceause I told my fiance the other day that I want to start learning more about other religions so I have a broader knowledge about the different beleifs out there. Hopefully, it strengthend my own faith.

Week 3: The Gospel of Mark is about the life of Jesus and his ministry. To come back to a text based on my religion after reading about a new religion will hopefully give me a new perspective. I have read the gospel of Mark in the Bible many time so I want to learn something from someone interpreting it. John the Baptist is a person in the Bible I am interested in learning about because of his animal like appearance, but supernatural connection to the King of Kings.

A drawing/ painting of John the Baptist.
(John the Baptist, by Lorenzetti)

Week 4: Alice in Wonderland was a funky childrens movie because of the drug references. In recent years I have heard from many people that the story was written by two high authors so I am curious to see if there is any truth to this rumor. 

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Brooke! You are the first person to have explored the UnTextbook for this semester! I am glad you are interested in the Bible Women. That is one of my favorite units too, and also the Women Saints. Someone did a really cool combination Storybook with both Bible women and women saints last semester - you might enjoy taking a look at that one! E! News Special: Diary Reveal

    About Alice: the hookah that appears in the story (the caterpillar is smoking a hookah) was probably just for tobacco, but the text does not say. You can read about Victorian drug use in this article at The Victorian Web, very useful website! It mentions Alice in Wonderland there in the article. Victorian Web: Victorian Drug Use ... Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice would say! :-)
