Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Essay: Exploring the South African Unit

I read the South African Unit this week, and I really enjoyed it. Last week, I read the Nigerian Unit and like it very much, so I wanted to pick a unit that was similar for this week’s assignments. I started reading the More Brer Rabbit Unit, but the writing style was hard to follow, so I immediately switched over to the South African Unit after reading just the first story.  

In terms of my overall goals for this class, this unit did not fit in directly, but it did give me insight on how to end my stories with a short lesson. For the storybook project, I am basing my stories off of the Bible Women Unit and other stories from the Bible. My faith is a passion of mine, so I am very happy the Biblical units were assigned at the beginning because I think those first few reading really influenced the direction of my final project.

After reading the Biblical Unit, I formed some goals for the class. I wanted to read about different religions and cultures to expand my current knowledge base. I have already accomplished some of that goal, so I decided to switch over to a new type of unit. The Nigerian Unit helped open my mind on the different types of options out there for me to read for this class. I now see how I was limiting myself by strictly sticking to my original goals. I have now expanded my goals to incorporate a diverse set of stories. This way I can learn about different writing styles attached to cultures from around the world and explore funkier, less traditional writings. I still want to read about religions when they are options, but I do not want to put myself in a box.

This class can help push my routine-like, traditional nature.  

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