Friday, February 27, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 7

With all of the snow and ice this week, I have been cooped up in my house because of work being canceled. It has given me a lot of free time to get my homework done though! I mean, with all of my classes being online, I am use to being at home most of the day working on my computer. My sister has had to do much of her homework from home too, so we have done work together and played some cards in our free time.

This week, I read stories from the South American Unit. I enjoyed the Nigerian Unit so much last week that I wanted to choose a similar one for this week.

Today in Texas, it is very snowy outside so my sister had her school canceled, which means we get to watch movies together all day! Her friends recommended us watch the movie, “The Good Lie,” because they came across it earlier this week when school was canceled then. It is about a few Sudan children escaping their tribe that was attacked by soldiers. They walked all the way to the Kakuma Refuge Camp in Kenya (almost 1,000 miles away), barefoot. They ended up staying there for thirteen years until they are sent to the United States. So far, I have really enjoyed the film so I do recommend it.

My other classes haven’t been too stressful because I have had enough time to finish my homework. Next week, I have my second test in my Introduction to Marketing class, which I plan to start studying for this weekend. I had to read 100 pages in my book for my Languages Across Cultures class, which was called, “When Languages Die.” We are studying about the importance of keeping endangered languages alive because we loose information about the capabilities of human beings when different languages die.

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