The Life of Buddha
had wanted to explore this unit from the first week because one of my New
Year’s resolution to explore different religions in order to increase my
knowledge base.
Maya’s Dream: This story tells about the
beginning of Buddha’s life, which all started with a dream from Queen Maya.
Going from the Biblical Unit last week to the Buddha Unit, I see quite a few
similarities and differences. For example, an angel came to Mary the Mother of
Jesus to tell her she would bare a son named Jesus who would be the Messiah.
Buddha’s mother was approached in a very similar way–through a dream–to find
out about the identity of her son. With Buddha living inside his mother’s
stomach, she had healing powers over people and nature. Throughout Jesus’
ministry, he performed miracles, but only in the last three years of His life,
which is a difference.
Birth of Siddhartha: Queen Maya seemed to have
some connection with trees because she was continually fascinated by their
beauty and splendor. After reading the birth story of Buddha, the whole world
seemed like a utopia at the time. Nothing in nature or society was evil or
Asita’s Prediction: I thought the term gifted
to Buddha from the gods was odd – destroy the evil of rebirth. I am unsure if
this means reincarnation or something else. In the Christian Bible, the purpose
of the text is centered on being rebirthed into our new life of purity, so it
is something we desire, not something we want to be destroyed.
find it sad that Asita, the priest, was unable to know his (Buddha) message and
his (Buddha) law, but it might not be revealed until Buddha ages.
My New Year's Resolution was to stop eating unhealthy food, but it hasn't really panned out... I'm glad yours is! Your summaries of each story are the perfect length. They aren't too long so that I might as well just read the original, but they aren't too short so as to leave things out. Overall, great job on your reading diary. I didn't know anything about Buddha, but now I do. Good job.